Saturday 7 July 2012

I know lah


I am envying this writer.He was my teacher before.When I was in the high school,I met some teachers that their speechs inspired a lot.At certain times,I keep wondering what they have done to get until that point? Where they got such an awesome ideas? They are smoothly arranged.

Well,I must say that their background studies a bit awesome or little extraordinary from the others.Well,they studied abroad.What's that for if you study away from your home but your view still small like you never get out from your bedroom,right? What a waste -.-

And another thing is,I lost a daurah with another man of wisdom.Another waste,I think. :/

Glossary :
Daurah - Seminar

Sunday 1 July 2012

Bajet berTaqwa

So,what's taqwa anyway?

And bajet? I remember when I was in Kelantan before,to look fancy is to use KL's dialect.And yeah,we love to use this term,'bajet' ler tu. :p

My mind cant reach anything,just so surprise to hear my old fancy senior who studying in UK had arrived safely just now.So,it has been 4 years,huh?

Back to the topic.
Where are we?
To simply define taqwa is to put good cover only to Allah.

You eat,you pick up the rubbish,you drink,you hit the lift button,you listen to acapella or whatever it is just to look good in His eyes.

To the creator,I mean.
Not to the creation.

Monday 18 June 2012

Where to go?


Hamdulillah,it was a blast.If u stick to Egypt's updates then you will know that I just got a new president.InshaAllah this time would be better.The best ever.I heard that this is the first time the president is a Koran memorizer.Hurm,nice..So,this is how this post will flow.

I got 2 issues.

1- What with memorizing Koran?
  I will just simply answer,if it is just for exam,you better think back.Koran is more than the stuff you load in and blurt out as you get out of the exam hall.It is like amanah.Every kalimah.Look,I cant make this into words..but believe me,you got enough time to think about this.

Firstly,it is better to renew rebrand your niyyah.What is your true intention on this matter? Like a friend said,it is hard to remove such feeling,which is just to pass the exam but hey,it is worth it.Our 'amal will be rewarded according to our niyyah.Maybe this time is just a good starting to make good friend with Koran :)

2-Dakwah and Tarbiyyah.
   Here there are some phenomena that I collect from super duperb blogger,APG
click this

But for all of this,where to go?
There are times that I sit back and reflect.I was always want the latest mags and books.You know like JOM!,Solusi, and etc.I was like in my other world while reading them.I owned myself.I enjoyed video tarbawwiy (credits to APG and PVU '12).At least I know what is my destination as I log into my Youtube.

But what's next?
Going to daurah especially is awesome.Apart of meeting new and old sisters,I always got new information which I appreciate with all my heart.But when it comes to the end,I am filled with mountain of worries.WHAT'S NEXT?

By dakwah and tarbiyyah,I ought to be better,
I think it is jerk to get such 'gift',but the way you appreciate it is to leave it behind.
Got what I meant? It is like you get new knowledge but then you don't use it.
You are the old you.Sleeping all the time.Movieing all the time.Read and practise Quran lessly.Ignorance and arrogance as usual.Hate infaq.Not much knowledge.Can't be rely on.Bad mouth.And so on.
You should be better,isn't it?

Think about this.What's next? :/

Sunday 17 June 2012

We Adore Serious People


I have to say that I might not knowing everything about Egypt.And the politics here.As a normal or ignorance kid,I just read few books regarding Egypt as the other novel.Full of colours which made the books enjoyable.Like Hari Hari Dalam Hidupku by Zainab Al-Ghazali.And so on.

And I heard about Palestine since I was 7/8/9.I've viewed all the bloodshed on the screen years before.And by that,Im not really interested in loading the youtube just to see how people being tortured.It was my nightmares.Every nights.

And when it comes to Egypt election this year,suddenly my eyebrows rise.You see what I see?

I see a new gentleman.
I see a serious face.
I see hope.
I feel new strength in myself.

If you have been defeated before,you will know what I'm feeling.
It is like being awake in the middle of your nightmare.
Don't you want to wake up if you are in my shoes?
If yes,take Egypt as your love.
Be very concern.
Because they are very serious in Palestine.



So hi guys, -.-
I cant actually let go of this feeling.
Okay,I don't like to copy people,not a copier though.
But I will try my best to do what I am best ( read : better ) at.Like writing,maybe?
So here comes this blog.Welcome to this world,sweetheart :)
*I'm not saying that I got God's hand in writing but I know I'm trying to make this world better at least from my existence.

What about you guys?
What's in your mind?
Don't you want to involve in rebranding this world?
It's Islam World Order.